A good set of rhythm exercises for all levels.
Rhodes School of Music does not have a traditional front desk. All enrolling, scheduling and canceling needs to be done online at rsom.frontdeskhq.com. This enhances the experience for parents and students by giving them the freedom to make adjustments to their schedule and enter their preferred payment method online. Teachers […]
Lots of great lessons and exercises for all levels. musictheory.net
These links are not clear in the books, so here they are: Book 1 Book 2 Book 3
I’m excited to add some free classes to the School’s curriculum in 2014. These classes are free and will be no larger than 7 students per class for some fun and focused learning. Read below for more information or click the enroll button to get signed up and see exact […]
A timed horse race to increase note reading speed.
Get it
This app will drill you on a bit of everything and is configurable for beginning and advanced students. Get it HERE.
There are exceptions, but children aren’t usually ready for private lessons until age 5. Attention span and coordination need to be at a level that is seldom found in students under 5. Your child might be ready for lessons sooner if he or she is reading at a very early […]
Call or email Brendan Byrnes. The official piano tuner of Rhodes School of Music! phone: (312) 533-1804 / EMAIL
Rhodes School of Music will be closed from December 23rd through December 27th and on January 1st. Have a great Holiday!
Have a look at our beautiful collage by Dani Vinokurov! You’ll start seeing this image in our web and print media. Dani’s images are all hand cut and precisely assembled to take the form that you see here. She also created the elegant logo for the school. Thanks Dani, for […]
You’re probably getting mailings right now about fall activities for your kids. The soccer coach wants to know if you’re doing traveling team, the Little League coach is scheduling practices, the dance teacher is putting her classes together. And you’re wondering about piano lessons for little Johnny or Suzie. http://musicalresources.blogspot.com/2011/07/truth-about-piano-lessons.html
Come support Clare in her first big concert in Los Angeles! Clare Longendyke, piano Works by Scarlatti, Berio, Cage, Rota and others Part of the Fazioli Piano Series at the Istituto Italiano di Cultura 1023 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA (Westwood) [map] Sunday, December 8, 2013 at 4pm Free entry, […]
Why did David switch? The old system worked ok as long I allowed parents to use their own names and info when they were really scheduling lessons for their children. The old system would not allow kids schedules to be linked to their parents, therefore a parent would have had […]
Apps Flashnote Derby – note reading Tenuto – note reading and theory Music for Little Mozarts -note reading and basic theory Dust Buster – note reading Websites Musictheory.net Making Music Fun SF Kids Note Reading Exercises Level 1– right hand/treble clef C to G Level 2 – left hand/bass clef F to C Level […]
Coming soon… Set up, cancel and reschedule your lessons with a few taps on your iphone or android! This hot pink app will be downloadable from the app store soon. Stay tuned.
The new and improved website is up! The new mobile friendly site has a shortcut url too: r-som.com! Easier to type into your mobile device. There are also clear links to help you administer your account and schedule, follow the school of social networks, and stay up on the latest […]